Frequently Asked Questions
Knowledge Base
Artworks and Approvals
Custom Artworks
Cutting Formes
Payment and Shipping
Entering Quantities
All our products are based on bundle prices. When you enter the quantity, please enter the quantity per the number of bundles i.e. if you are wanting to order 500 locking struts, enter the quantity as 5 (5 bundles of 100), not 500.
quote lead time
One of our Team members will aim to respond to you within 24 – 48hrs during business hours. If the quote is urgent, please call our office on (07) 3265 7188.
Artwork and Approvals
What is a keyline?
A keyline is a computer file which represents the outline shape of the required packaging. Click below to see our “keyline guide”
I'm ready to send my design to you, what are your design requirements?
Press ready art requirements are set to ensure a timely and correct output of product which meets your expectations in many aspects such as size and colour. We predominantly use a PDF work-flow and as such would prefer all art to be submitted as a PDF and meeting the following criteria to be of a press ready state.
- All art should be CMYK colour space plus pantone spot colours if used
- Art resolution must be at 300 DPI including any placed images in document
- Art must be correct size and trim box and trim marks should reflect this
- Art should be supplied as a PDF. We can also accept InDesign and Illustrator Packages and files (please note the following about links and fonts being supplied)
- All assets (fonts, links and database) used should be either embedded in the art or supplied with the art
- Art should have at least 3-5mm bleed on all cuts including die lines
- Die lines should be set to over print and be made with a pantone spot named appropriately
- Art requiring glue tabs must have no ink and or coatings in the tab or glue section
- Multi page documents should supplied as single pages and not as spreads for impositioning reasons
Variable data should be supplied as one worksheet, with headers that match art
Click below to see our "artwork bleed guide"
I am a trade printer, how do I provide printed stock to you?
The following document will detail what our specifications are and what we are able to work when a client is supplying their own printed stock.
- All printed stock must have a minimum of 3mm print bleed around the design.
- A print grip of 15mm is essential (otherwise this could lead to forme alterations or guillotining stock which is not allowed for in our quote/costing)
- Full testing and trial of the keyline must be completed prior to the forme being made – other people's designs are not an excuse for a non functioning carton.
- Allowing enough room on the back of the sheet for the colour bar is also ideal as this will help scan the colour and keep consistency throughout the print run
- While we are able to work with a minimum of 5mm on the left,right and back it is always better to have more room and a colour bar
Please see the print sheet example below.

Custom Artworks
Custom Orders and Materials
Do your stockline items come in other materials and can I get printing done on them?
All our stockline items come in the one type of material specified on the item. If you would like to get a specific material or printing done, please email or use the online enquiry form with your request, and we will get back to you with a quotation.
Cutting formes and printing plates
What is a forme?
Cutting formes or die cut formes are metal formes used to score and shape paper or cardboard. To create a cutting forme we will use a laser to create the stencil (engrave) and then put in rules.
They can also be known as creasing formes however, they are essentially the same. The strips of the cutting forme are then bent into complicated shapes. Creasing rules, perforating rules and hole punches are also used to produce the cutting formes. This means that in one process a plain sheet can be cut and creased in several places using the cutting forme.
Payment and shipping
Delivery Time
Do you offer express shipping or only Australia Post Regular?
When your order is placed, we will deliver to you via the best option on the day as we use a variety of carriers to despatch our orders. Our shipping prices are for standard delivery time only.
Can I get a tracking number for the delivery of my order?
Once the order is despatched, you will receive an email showing who the delivery was sent with, and what the tracking number is and a link to track the progress of your order.
Shipping Cost
Why can’t I see a shipping option when I view the cart?
To get your shipping cost, please click on “Proceed to checkout” where you can enter your delivery details and the shipping cost will be populated for you.
Tax Invoice
Can I get a tax invoice for my order?
When you place the order, you will receive an email confirmation with a copy of the tax invoice attached for your records.